Cranston Fire- The Cranston Fire started on 7-25-2018 at 11:41 am off Hwy 74 below the community of Idyllwild, Ca. The fire burned approximately 13,139 acres.

Patterson Fire- Started at approximately 2:19 pm on the 17th of May 2018 near Rawson Rd in Winchester. The fire quickly burned to the northeast prompting evacuations on approximately six homes and consuming 1,261 acres. The fire was fully contained on May 18th

Sterling Fire- Started at approximately 1840 on June 25, 2015  off Sterling Dr. near Hwy 330. The fire was quickly pushed uphill and burned approximately 100 acres. The airtankers on the fire were Neptune's Tankers 05, 43 and 44 along with Erickson Aero Tanker's Tanker 105.  

Lake Fire- Started at approximately 1600 hrs on the 17th of June 2015. Location of the start was at Barton Flats and Jenks Lake Rd.  Fed airtankers that have been on the fire are Neptune's Tanker 05, 43, and 44. Aero Flite's Tanker 161, Erickson Aero Tanker's Tanker 105, and 10 Tanker Air Carrier's Tanker 911 and 912. The fire as of June 26th has burned over 30,000 acres.